the magical. the mundane. - for the love of stripes
the magaical. the mundane. the chaotic. the protected space. the hallelujah song damien rice playing in the background. reviewing- basking in the repeat songs in my life. hallelujah— thank you god. I ‘ve had a full one. a good one.
I hate to admit it. but clothing is my guide. my 6th sense. first H&m and then zara.the trying on clothes. of all different shapes and colors and forms. like a speed dating of finding myself. the joy. the fun of seeing myself quickly in another skin. to deterterm at the moment if that is who I want to be. It feels elitist and wasteful - I hope to make it up someday I pray that I will.
the extravagance of having all these in front of me.
Nam eu enim sit amet lorem vehicula ultrices. Cras vitae cursus dolor. Donec euismod suscipit rhoncus. Ut quis elit ut ante eleifend laoreet. Nullam convallis porta libero, in fermentum nisl. Suspendisse id imperdiet massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum euismod, turpis in gravida volutpat, nibh urna mattis nunc, quis porttitor nunc risus eu magna. Sed sodales blandit urna, vitae varius tortor aliquet vel. Quisque sit amet malesuada mi, sit amet accumsan quam. Maecenas a ligula nunc. Quisque placerat ut massa et porttitor. Mauris vehicula rutrum nisl, eget dictum lacus hendrerit quis. Pellentesque pharetra nibh at ligula egestas convallis.